The lost art of protesting

Peaceful protest doesn't mean just non-violence, it also means your are not agitated from within. You have to believe in the inherent goodness of every human however evil they may seem. Whenever you recognize something wrong, you have to really trust that the wrongdoer is doing out of ignorance and now with love show them what they are doing wrong, give them an example and with patience make them realize their mistake.
And now, if in case violence happens with such a peaceful person, sympathies of all people will be with him/her. More people begin to see what is wrong and this strengthens the movement. This is not Rocket Science to understand and I believe most people know this.
The present protests lack critical ingredients of the art of protest perfected by Gandhi. Protests today are fueled by anger and hatred. It doesn’t at all believe that that the people in power are doing it out of their ignorance, infact it has already judged them as “pure evil” and doesn’t believe in the possibility that they can change. With such underlying beliefs, it is a FIGHT, not a peaceful protest.
Many people are very sad that protesters are getting injured but this is not translating into deep sympathies and realization that things are going wrong. Infact some people think it was nice that protesters got beaten. The reason for it is that it has turned into a fight now, a fight of EGOs. The Protest nowadays is weak because of the emotions it has chosen — “Fear” and “Hatred”, to mobilize people. It is upto us to choose our tools. Next time lets choose “Love” and “Compassion”.