Short stories written on Long Flights

Nikhil Kulkarni
4 min readNov 6, 2023

#1 Remember ?

A child walks into the arms of a man warm n comforting. Feels like in a womb somehow. The world slows down , the stars churn around, wolves howl, and water calms down. The miracle is after-all happening. What she waited for her whole life though just 12 years. Everything flashes white and she wakes up wise. Knowing something more than before, something she cannot put into words, something had changed. Her mind now knows much more than before.

She looks into the mirror, stares blankly, and goes to the hall, pets her cat, & off she goes into the fields, walking towards the sea shore.
She knows the answers.. she is willing to act on them but she knows not how to convey to others what she knows now. People are busy, people are lost, people are tired, people have not much hope, people don’t care now, people want to just die a slow good death. How can she convince them that there is hope, we can make our lives count, we can bring the biggest change mankind has ever seen.. If only they could experience what she had experienced maybe then they would just know. If only… but she herself didn’t know how it happened to her and had no idea how to make that happen for so many. Her best chance was to put into words or pictures what she knows deep within. She has to go to that depth and see it clearly. Speak from that knowledge, speak from that space and maybe then it’ll connect to them, for everyone has this intrinsic knowledge.

O wisdom within, O the source of the ray of hope I feel, let me soak in your light, feel your warmth, for I may describe you to my people and they will find you too within themselves. Hope, courage, intellect, gratitude, clarity, confidence and wisdom. Arise , awake and stop not till the goal is reached.

The goal that is so mighty, that it is worthy of the one achieving it, you! A goal that is not just freedom for the self but freedom for all. A goal beyond yourself for you are no longer just you, you are the wisdom within, you are the same deep sense of existence that lies in all, so how can you be free if your brother’s & sisters & mothers are not.

The struggles will be many, they are not new to you, they are not hard for you, they are not troubles for you, they are what give joy, they are reminders that you can overcome this too, “have you forgotten?” , they ask. March on , pass it on, the end is close now, the celebration at the end is for these very struggles you are going through, its not for the end state but for the journey, the story you lived, the story you inspired.

#2 Wanna walk ?

Up the hill, down the valley, through the bushes, over the rocks scattered on a shallow river bed, I try to make sense of you. You never astonished me with your varied disguises, I always knew its you. You sometimes challenge me , you scare me, you give me luxury, its all you. What do you want? What shall I do for you? I want to be useful to you. Tell me something, give me a sign, give everyone a sign. What can we do for you ?

You will never say, you will just be and change slowly after years of resisting and you want us to observe this change.. you want us to realise, to understand you. Your signs are so slow, we living fast paced lives can’t seem to see it. No, we don’t ask you to speed up, we ask ourselves to slow down but we are unable to. We are required to be fast & we are required to make others fast and impatient, this is how we live, this is how we earn our living.

Its like an olympic race, we are performing , we are fast, we are applauded and booed, we lead , we trail, but we are not questioning the race. What for is it? What use is running in circles ? Wouldn’t it be better to walk straight out of the stadium , and keep walking and exploring the world together like we are one hiking group, supporting each other, listening to sounds of nature, jumping from one rock to another. Later, go back home and tell your people what you saw, amaze them, tell them to walk too, to explore, for there is no use in sitting as an audience in these races & watching the petty drama. Outside, you go too. There we walk, and so its okay if you can’t run, we are not there to judge but to help you. Don’t run or watch a race, go for a walk, go for a hike. Take it slow.

#3 Rock no Roll

Rolling stone gathers no moss. Is that said to encourage or discourage moving ? No idea. Moss definitely is useful, so there is value in settling down, staying still at one place.
And there is value in rolling along with a river as well from place to place.. You crash into bigger rocks, you get swirled, you displace soil, life is an adventure that breaks you little by little , making your little parts useful as fertile soil in various parts along the river. You are widespread, you contribute to the growth of every plant n species that walks upon you or touches you. You leave a tiny tiny but many such impacts all along the path.

Roll or stay , there is benefit either way!



Nikhil Kulkarni

At the intersection of philosophy, entrepreneurship, economics, technology & spirituality.