Attitude in competiton

Nikhil Kulkarni
2 min readFeb 3, 2023
Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

We compete with friends in games. Could this competitive spirit be creeping into other areas of our life and stressing our relationships ? Maybe but what kind of attitude can help us not to cause any stress ?

Whenever we compete in games, the fun part is the banter and teasing that comes with it. We enjoy the banter — The winner is naturally happy but the loser makes funny complains or comments like it was purely luck, or the game’s algorithm is faulty, etc.. All in all, its super fun.

The other part is attitude , You can either :

  1. learn from the winner or
  2. discard winner’s occassional success to uphold the belief that you are not bad and can win in next game.

Both are good attitudes but the 1st one is a tad bit better becasue there can come issues with the 2nd one. The 2nd attitude is good as long as the key word “Occassional” is true. If the winner is winning consistently, then this no longer holds true and if you still try to stick to #2 then you are in denial and you will tend to slip into hating the winner and this is how you build up stress in yourself.

So to all my friends who lost with me in Fifa, drop your #2 attitudes cuz the reality is I’m better than you :P hahahaha. Just accept it and try to learn from me. Every expert in the field is always happy to teach.

So whenever in life you sense competition and stress, its time to shift the attitude and learn from the expert ;)



Nikhil Kulkarni

At the intersection of philosophy, entrepreneurship, economics, technology & spirituality.