A step by step guide to eliminate Money (And the greed associated with it) from the economic system
We have put a lot of power in our own creation called money and now it rules us. The Ring in the ‘Lord of the Rings’ or The sorcerer’s stone in ‘Harry potter’ or the Bracelet in ‘Mr.India’ movie — All are objects of too much power and the right thing did in each of these stories to put an end to chaos was to destroy it.
We need to destroy the power of money and its tricky. Merely burning money won’t do it. Money gets its power from our belief in it. The only way to reduce its power is to stop treating it as powerful. Don’t believe in its power. Just don’t value it. Simple, right? But its not as easy as it sounds. It doesn’t matter if only a few of us stop believing in it, we need the majority to stop believing it and then it dies.
Our story get more interesting now. We shall use money as the very tool to defeat money. I thought only movies had such plots, never did I imagine I would write something like this.
So, How do we start the process of making people not believe in Money ? We need to replace that belief or faith in money with faith in people; slowly and steadily as we trust people around us more, money loses its power. Lets see how:
Step One
Setting up/ converting existing businesses into Non-greedy businesses (or lets call them Honest-companies).
Lets say there’s a restaurant you run, making profits.
Now consider, if you ran the restaurant so that you made just enough to stay sustainable i.e you pump back profits into the society, then what would happen? and what do I mean by pumping profits back into society?
You give back profits by reducing the prices of all that your restaurant produces or offers.
To customers, explain the decrease in prices — put up the cost analysis.
Ex: The Honest price of this product is 50
Veggies cost = 20 , bread = 15, tax = 5, our margin to sustain = 10.
With Honesty — you gain trust of people. With decreased prices, your demand will increase, meaning more sales, But more sales means more profit which needs to be pumped back — meaning we set even lesser margin per product leading to even lesser prices.
Honest-companies will begin to beat Capitalistic competition by price factor.
Step Two
Invoke crowdfunding. An appeal to happy customers can be made asking them to support us in building more ethical companies — more Honest Companies.
Then you say to customers that love you — “Hey! as you can see the cost of bread is the highest we incur , which we pass onto you, can you help us setup an “Honest Bakery” that sells bread at honest prices.”
With an Honest Bakery, the cost of bread decreases to say, 12.
Flour = 5, electricty = 2, tax = 1, margin =4 (for workers to sustain).
And cost of your Restaurant product decreases to 47.
Veggies cost = 20 , bread = 12, tax = 5, our margin to sustain = 10.
Customers of both Bakery & restaurant are happy now. Setup more & more honest selfless businesses such as Honest Flour mill (as its a huge cost for Honest Bakery), etc.
A time will come when there’s an Honest bakery, Honest Flour mill, Honest Farm, Honest Ketchup factory, etc.. that will power your Honest Restaurant to provide food at damn low cost — Say 15 (from the previous cost of 50)..
This will increase competition in the market and force other typical capitalist companies that produce same goods to either decrease their prices and become a Honest company (conversion) or to shutdown.
Step Three
Establishment of a Moneyless society
Your own margin for sustenance goes down — as now, you get food from Honest farm, clothes from Honest store, etc.. Honest companies in different sectors become big by beating competition by price, by honesty & trust from crowd.
Prices will tend to near zero. So we develop a new system of distributing the goods we produce. We call it “Serves”. Whatever is produced will have a number on it (nothing new, even today we have a number on every thing called Price). But the number we shall have is called “Serves”.
Serving Economy :
Its like gift economy but with a number on each produce.
Example : Oranges could have the label “5 serve 1 person”.
Meaning : Total Oranges can be distributed equally if each person takes 5. Ofcourse you can take more if, label of serves indicates a suggested consumption value.
The Initial Guess of serves value is based on Equal distribution of the product but it evolves and becomes a new value. How?
Say you take 10 or 20 Oranges and few people are left with no Oranges to eat. Taking this into account serves labels change to “3 per person”. So a steady serves value will be reaches over a period of time that suggests us how much to consume something.
But if we are unhappy about the suggested number then what ?
Then you have total freedom to do something about it. You can become a scientist that works on produce of Oranges. You find the root cause of decline in produce. You can learn new farming techniques. etc etc. Freewill to solve your and societies problems at once.
Having destroyed the object of power, how would our movie end ? What is the happy ending of this movie :
In a Moneyless world :
People produce products or services because they love doing it or because they want to serve the community (Seva).
So no more Buy this Buy that Ads ! No fake claims that this will make you happier, this will make you stronger, etc.. More truth around us will exist.
When there is no seller, there can’t be any owner for the product. So things like Cars wont be sold, they’ll be free to use by anyone using an app that locates the car you can use. Serves in Cars could be “number of Km’s per person” — A suggested value so that everyone can get the benefit of products manufacture by passionate group of Automobile engineers who love building better cars.
As there is no owning / private property, a sharing economy will be adopted. This economy decreases wastage (i.e 10 people don’t need to buy 10 cars, they can share 5 cars) and thus decreases the need to produce more goods, more frequently. Designers stop building Obsolescence in the product. Products will now be designed for maximum utility. Hence more people will be freed from drudgery of meaningless work.
In such a community of sharing economy, Software and apps will play huge role in allocating properties to people based on needs. Ex: If someone needs a car, he will use an app to search for the nearest car. But if more people need the same car, the software will make a decision based on the need or the past history of property allocation (so as to give the car to the one who got lesser chance to ride cars),etc..
If cars are less, community will get notification to increase car production and interested / passionate people can volunteer to help produce cars for the whole community. People will use apps to indicate their interest to volunteer. Maybe its not car production but some product X that requires to be done. And lets say community needs X to be done to survive. And lets also say that X is a kind of job that no one would be interested or passionate about. Still you will find people volunteering to do X. Why? Its because of the same reason that people die for the nation. The same reason that drives people to make big sacrifices. You can call it patriotism or Love for the community. But lets call it Seva. Selfless service for the community.
In a moneyless state people will innovate and automate, not to maximize profit as in case of capitalism, but to free more people to follow creative pursuits.
Contribution will be the new currency
We can allow the community people to choose their field of interest. They can work wherever they want and can enjoy the benefits of such a society. What if someone does not want to work ? will they be excluded from enjoying community benefits? Its on the community to decide, most likely it will do it, else people will just be lazy maybe (Assumption of capitalism considered here to be on safe side). But the advantage is that working hours in a moneyless community will be very less as there is no pressure to produce more in a sharing economy.
Also, if my basic needs are never my worry, sitting infront of TV all day and drinking beer is the last thing I will do , as there are so many things to do in this truly free society.
Responsible citizens
When everything is available for free in such a society and when everyone in the society recognizes that everything is a voluntary work of someone, then everyone will become a responsible citizen. Ex : Food is available because large groups of people volunteered to do farming. Citizens are aware of this and thus waste less food.
Finding passion becomes easier :
People will start moving out from boring work to interesting works. And, what is boring to you maybe interesting to others. So the society will reshuffle in a way that puts passionate people in areas of their interest. The otherwise pressure to earn a living is no longer present to guide them into uninteresting career paths. You have equal opportunity to do great work in such a world.