A(um)I : Science & SpiritualityThe calculators made us trust the machine, because each time, they provided the right answer. We humans have a desire to be right all the…Jun 13, 2024Jun 13, 2024
Revolution✊ & Meditation 🙏Traditionally, Meditation is a tool or technique to better oneself and move towards the ultimate truth or goal of Enlightenment where one…Apr 23, 2024Apr 23, 2024
Making Matter SpiritualFrom my visit to auroville and attending a session on Aurobindo’s integral yoga, a new perspective arose.Jan 10, 2024Jan 10, 2024
Great conversations!Let’s talk about something that’s often deemed as taboo, out of the norm or just plain bold! You know what I mean, those topics that make…Feb 28, 2023Feb 28, 2023
Attitude in competitonWe compete with friends in games. Could this competitive spirit be creeping into other areas of our life and stressing our relationships …Feb 3, 2023Feb 3, 2023
Almost dead in Death Valley — Road TripThree friends, including myself, made the journey to Sin City on January 13th, 2023, just in time for my 34th birthday bash. Little did we…Feb 3, 2023Feb 3, 2023
Systems thinking approach to solve Climate crisisFinally I made a decent video with nice slides in it to explain the origin of the unique idea to solve issues we face today. Also, after…Jul 26, 2022Jul 26, 2022